Thursday, January 16, 2025

The interior-point optimizer and warm-start

A frequently asked question by MOSEK users is whether the interior-point optimizer can be warm-started. The short answer is that no warm-start is available for the interior-point optimizer.

The reason for the lack of a warm-start capability is that no general-purpose interior-point warm-starting method that

  • is robust i.e. numerical stable,
  • and leads to consistent performance benefits
has been suggested,

The paper contains some limited computational evidence that an interior-point warm-start may be possible.  Note that the paper shows that in the best case where both a good primal and dual solution guesses are available, the number of iterations is reduced by 50%.  However, the paper does not consider the complications of integrating the warm-start with the presolve procedure in a commercial optimizer like MOSEK. Also, an interior-point method benefits a lot from the presolve and which has a fairly computationally expensive setup step that is independent of a warm-start.  Hence, a large reduction in the number of iterations does not translate into an equally large decrease in the optimizer time due to a large initialization cost.

Based on the discussion above it can be concluded that how to warm-start an interior-point optimizer is an open question. Furthermore, obtaining a 50% reduction in the optimizer time by wam-starting is unlikely even if it was possible to warm-start. Something like from 0 to 25% reduction in the optimizer time is much more likely if a good warm-start method was known.