Although both installing MOSEK and obtaining a trial license are very easy, it is now possible to get to know MOSEK directly in the browser with one click and no setup at all.
Monday, December 14, 2020
MOSEK in the browser and OptServer
Monday, November 16, 2020
Apple Silicon M1 plans
In response to the recent questions about MOSEK support for the new Apple Silicon M1 ARM64 architecture:
We plan to support the new Apple chips in the next major release, that is MOSEK 10. The release date is not yet set. Until we have access to the new platform we cannot make any guarantees regarding the MOSEK performance.
Please contact us if you have questions or plans related to MOSEK on the new Mac.
The MOSEK team
Monday, October 19, 2020
Fusion and the art of harvesting potatoes
Week 42 in Denmark was "kartoffelferie" - fall school vacation originally designed to allow children help with the potato harvest on the farm. The vacation is still present even though kids no longer collect potatoes, except for...
... Lærke. Lærke has her own little potato field arranged in an $n\times n$ grid. For some squares of the grid she knows the exact number of potatoes that can be harvested from that square, between $0$ and $3$. She wants to design a round trip around her little field so that each of those squares will be passed by just the right number of times to pick the potatoes, one on each pass. Other squares can be passed by any number of times. A picture with a sample layout and its solution is worth a thousand words:
Now Lærke notices that she can easily write a mixed-integer model of her problem. She will associate a binary variable with each edge of the grid, to indicate if it appears in the tour, and then needs to ensure that:
- (1) every vertex of the grid meets either 0 or 2 of the tour edges,
- (2) every square with $i$ potatoes has exactly $i$ tour edges on its boundary.
(images by GLmathgrant, under CC BY-SA 3.0, from Wikipedia)
Friday, October 9, 2020
CVXPY 1.1.6
The latest release 1.1.6 of CVXPY includes a completely rewritten MOSEK interface. It will, in particular, reformulate conic and linear problems in a different way than until now before passing it to the solver, so you may experience different behavior, especially in numerically challenging cases.
Here is roughly what you should expect. If you are modeling:
- a mixed-integer problem: no change.
- a sparse LMI: the new version should be much more efficient, both in terms of CVXPY modeling and solution time (the problem is dualized before calling MOSEK).
- all other linear and conic problems: the problem will be dualized before calling the solver. Ideally you should see no difference or perhaps an improvement, but it can go either way, especially if the dualized version is more challenging for any reason. In many cases MOSEK will internally choose the correct form to solve. In the remaining cases it may be necessary to explicitly force the solver to dualize.
If you were already tuning some MOSEK parameters then you should reevaluate the settings. In case you were already forcing primal/dual form with iparam.intpnt_solve_form then most likely you should change to the opposite.
Finally, if you are studying the solver log output, keep in mind that it is operating with the dual of your CVXPY formulation (DUAL_INFEASIBLE means your problem is primal infeasible, minimization becomes maximization etc.).
See also a note in CVXPY docs.
Monday, October 5, 2020
Sharpe ratio - derivation and Fusion model
We are being frequently asked about the Sharpe ratio, its formulation in the conic framework, and implementation in Fusion. This involves a class of problems with an objective of the type $$\mathrm{maximize}_x\quad \frac{r^Tx-r_f}{\|Fx\|_2}$$ i.e. an affine function over a 2-norm, where $r^Tx-r_f>0$, $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$. In practical portfolio optimization $r$ would be the vector of expected returns, $r_f$ is the risk-free return rate, $x$ is the vector of asset allocations and $\|Fx\|_2 = \sqrt{x^T\Sigma x}$ is the risk associated with the covariance matrix $\Sigma$ (formulating the risk term as a 2-norm is standard and we don't go into details, see here or here). Typically there will be various constraints on $x$, for example $$\mathbb{1}^Tx=1,\ x\geq 0$$ would correspond to a fully invested portfolio with no short-selling.
Let us explain step by step how one can derive a conic formulation of (1) suitable for a solver like MOSEK. We present it in detail so that the reader can apply it almost verbatim to more complicated models of this kind. First, note that if we could fix $$r^Tx-r_f=\mathrm{const}$$ then the objective would be equivalent to minimizing $\|Fx\|_2$, that is a standard second-order cone problem. However, we don't know in advance what "const" should be. (In fact solving the problem for all values of "const" corresponds to computing the efficient frontier.) Therefore, for reasons which will become clear in a moment, we denote the "const" value by $1/z$, where $z\geq0$ is a new scalar variable, i.e. $$r^Tx-r_f=1/z$$ that is $$zr^Tx-r_fz=1.$$ Denoting $y=zx$ ($y$ is now a new vector variable) the last equation becomes $$r^Ty-r_fz=1.$$ Now $x=y/z$ and the objective function becomes $$\frac{r^Tx-r_f}{\|Fx\|_2} = \frac{1/z}{\|F\frac{y}{z}\|_2} = \frac{1}{\|Fy\|_2}$$ hence we can write the original problem as $$\begin{array}{rl}\mathrm{minimize}&\|Fy\|_2\\ \mathrm{s.t.} & r^Ty-r_fz=1,\\ & z\geq 0.\end{array}$$ Note that the new problem involves variables $y$ and $z$, but $x$ has been eliminated. Any additional constraints must also be reformulated by substituting $x=y/z$, for example $\mathbb{1}^Tx=1,\ x\geq 0$ becomes $$\mathbb{1}^Ty=z,\ y\geq 0$$ and in fact any other linear constraint $Ax=b$ becomes $$Ay=bz.$$ A solution $(y,z)$ to the reformulation gives a solution $x=y/z$ to the original problem (assuming that the problem has a feasible point with $r^Tx-r_f>0$, so that the reformulation has a solution with $z>0$).
Certain other types of constraints can also be carried through the reformulation. For example a cardinality constraint on $x$ (at most $k$ entries in $x$ are nonzero) can be imposed on $y$ using the same mixed-integer model. Another quadratic bound of the form $\|Hx\|_2\leq 1$ will become $\|Hy\|_2\leq z$ using $x=y/z$.
A sample Fusion implementation can be found here:
Monday, September 21, 2020
Sven Wiese at CO@Work
Our very own Sven Wiese talks about "Convex Optimization via Cones and MOSEK 9" at CO@Work. See the talk at:
PDF of the slides:
Full program:
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
CO@Work 2020
In its sixth instantiation, CO@Work will be a full online event, taking place from September 14 to 26, 2020.
This summer school addresses master students (in their final year), PhD students, post-docs and everyone else interested in combinatorial optimization and mathematical programming in industrial applications. Lectures will be held by around 30 experts from all over the world, including leading researchers from TU Berlin, FU Berlin, Polytechnique Montréal, RWTH Aachen, University of Southern California, University of Edinburgh, TU Darmstadt, University of Exeter as well as developers and managers of FICO, Google, Amazon, SAP, Siemens, IBM, SAS, Gurobi, Mosek, GAMS, Litic, and many more speakers.
We arranged a setup that allows us to cover all time zones: pre-recorded lectures plus two live Q&A sessions and two hands-on exercise sessions per day (11 hours apart).
You can find more information and a registration link here:
Registration is for free, and as a TU Berlin course, it gives 10 ECTS credit points.
Friday, June 5, 2020
To upgrade or not to upgrade that is the question
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
n-queens in Fusion
We couldn't resist writing it up in Python Fusion as well.
And here is the solution we get for $n=8$:
Monday, May 4, 2020
Grouping in Fusion
To keep the discussion more concrete, suppose we have a variable $x=(x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,x_5)$ which consists of 3 groups $(x_0,x_1,x_2)$, $(x_3)$ and $(x_4,x_5)$. Let's say we want to express:
- an upper bound $b_i$ on the total value within each group,
- a joint volatility constraint such as $$\gamma\geq\left\|G\cdot \left[\begin{array}{c} x_0+x_1+x_2-i_0 \\ x_3-i_1 \\ x_4+x_5-i_2\end{array}\right]\right\|_2$$ for some matrix $G$ and constant index weights $i_0,i_1,i_2$
- the constraint that all values within one group have the same sign.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Easter 2020
The MOSEK team wishes everyone safe Easter.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19
March 16th: If you are working from home and for this reason require some special arrangements regarding the license, send us an email to
We will update this post if there is important new information.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Parametrized Fusion - benchmarks
- the model is constructed from scratch with new data for each optimization, MOSEK version 9.1 (green bars)
- the parametrized model is constructed once and parameters are set before every optimization, MOSEK version 9.2 (blue bars)
1. Markowitz portfolio optimization
- $x\in\mathbb{R}^{2000}$,
- $F\in \mathbb{R}^{200\times 2000}$ is a dense matrix,
- $\gamma$ is the only parameter changed between optimizations,
- we resolve the model for 200 values of $\gamma$.
2. Various models
- MPC - Model Predictive Control similar as in this demo with 15 states, 8 inputs, horizon length $T=80$, parametrized by the initial state, 100 resolves,
- Polytopes - a geometric polytope containment problem, the parameter is a $3\times 3$ matrix $P$ which enters in many constraints of the form $Px=y$, 1000 resolves.
- Elastic - a linear regression model with main term $\|Ax-b\|_2$, where $A\in\mathbb{R}^{3000\times 100}$ is dense, parametrized by $b\in\mathbb{R}^{3000}$, 60 resolves.
- Option - a big option pricing model with complicated structure and multiple parameters, 10 resolves.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
CVX 2.2 supports exponential cone in MOSEK
The last release 2.2 of CVX comes with support for the exponential cone in MOSEK. It means that problems involving log, exp, rel_entr, log_det, kl_div and other variants of logarithms and exponentials will be passed directly to a single MOSEK solve without employing a successive approximation method.
CVX 2.2 also comes bundled with the very recent MOSEK 9.1.9.
For an example of a log_det problem with MOSEK output in CVX 2.2 see:
(Note, though, that the CVX warning about using the successive approximation method is still displayed, but if your log output consists of a single Mosek solve like above then it can be ignored.)
Friday, February 28, 2020
Price list change from June 1st, 2020
New prices can be found at
Friday, February 21, 2020
MOSEK 9.2 Beta - Parametrized Fusion
The new feature introduced in version 9.2 is parametrization of Fusion models, that is the ability to build a Fusion model containing parameters and reoptimize it multiple times for varying input data without rebuilding the model from scratch. This is particularly useful for optimizing many instances of a problem with identical structure, where some of the input data change.
For more information, with links to examples in C++, Python, Java and C#, see our website:
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
MIP 2020
See for more details.